Rules and Regulations
Blouberg Hills & Sandown Estate has been designed to provide a comfortable and secure living environment and lifestyle for its residents. The intention of these rules is that of protecting and enhancing this lifestyle and the Estate environment. These rules are binding upon all owners, residents, visitors, service providers and contractors, as are decisions taken by the trustees in interpreting or enforcing these rules. The registered owners of properties are responsible for ensuring that members of their families, tenants, visitors, friends, deliveries, service providers and all their employees are aware of, and abide by, these rules.
The trustees of Big Bay Residential Estate Home Owners Association (HOA) reserve the right to modify, amend, add to, or delete any of these rules from time to time. This document should be read in conjunction with all the other documentation issued to purchasers including the relevant Design Guidelines for the Big Bay Precinct, the Constitution of the Big Bay Master Property Owners Association (BBMPOA), the Constitution of the Big Bay Residential Estate Home Owners Association, the City of Cape Town’s Approved Indigenous Plant List and the Contractors Agreement, which stipulates the conditions under which construction may take place on the Estate.
Blouberg Hills & Sandown Estates 1 & 2 are private estates, which permits a higher degree of control over the living environment than would be the case in a normal suburb. The rules and structures in this document have therefore been agreed to and implemented to manage this environment and to exercise certain objectives including but not limited to construction procedures, access control and general on-site security. Notwithstanding the above however, all rules/bylaws/legislation of all the relevant City of Cape Town (CoCT) regulatory authorities are unequivocally applicable and enforceable within each estate, subject to the right of the Board of Trustees to improve on same.
Regardless of conditions of Breach applicable to each Clause below, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees
Estate Rules
Constitution – Big Bay MPOA
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