Approved Plant List

9 Plant Classifications
126 Plants to choose from
Updated regularly


A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.

African Holly Ilex Mitis Red Currant Rhus Chirindensis
Bladdernut Diospyros Whyteana Sweet Thorn Acacia Karroo
Canthium Canthium Water Berry Syzygium Cordatum
Cape Ash Ekebergia Capensis Water Pear Syzygium Guineense
Cape Beech Rapanea Melanophloeos White Karee Rhus Pendulina
Cheesewood Pittosporum Viridiflorum White Milkwood Sideroxylon Inerme
Coast Coral Tree Erythrina Caffra White Pear Apodytes Dimidiata
Coast Silver Oak Brachylaena Discolor Wild Olive Olea Europaea
Fever Tree Acacia Xanthophloea Wild Peach Kiggelaria Africana
Karee Rhus Lancea Wild plum Harpephyllum Caffrum


A woody plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground.

Beach Salvia / Brown Sage Salvia Africana-Lutea Jeweled Aloe Aloe Distans
Blue Daisy/Marguerite Felicia Amelloides Kei Apple Dovyalis Caffra
Blue Kuni-Bush Rhus Glauca Large Num-Num Carissa Macrocarpa
Blue Sage Salvia Africana-Caerulea Nana-Berry Rhus Dentata
Bos Vygie Ruschia Macowanii Petite Butterfly Polygala Fruticosa
Buchu Agathosma spp. Pride of De Kaap Bauhinia Galpinii
Bush Violet Barleria Obtusa River Star Gomphostigma Virgatum
Camphor Bush Tarchonanthus Camphoratus Rough Blue Sage Salvia Chamelaeagnea
Cape Honeysuckle Tecomaria Capensis Sagewood Buddleja Salviifolia
Confetti Bush Coleonema Pulchellum/Album Saltbush Rhagodia
Dune Crow-Berry Rhus Crenata Sea Rose Orphium Frutescens
False Olive Buddleja Saligna Statice / Sea Lavender Limonium Perezii
Forest Bell Bush Mackaya Bella Sweet Pea/September Bush Polygala Myrtifolia
Forest Elder Nuxia Floribunda Tree Fuchsia Halleria Lucida
Forget-Me-Not Plumbago Auriculata Varnished Kuni-Rhus Rhus Lucida
Geelblombos Athanasia Dentata Weeping Sage Buddleja Auriculata
Golden Daisy Bush Euryops Pectinatus White Bristle Bush Metalasia Muricata
Heather/Heath (all species) Erica spp. Wild Dagga / Lion’s Tail Leonotis Leonurus
Honey Daisy Euryops Virgineus Wild Mallow Anisodontea Scabrosa
Honeybell Bush Freylinia Lanceolata Wild Rosemary Eriocephalus Africanus
Honeybells Freylinia Tropica Wilde Malva Pelargonium Cucullatum
Hopbush Dodonaea Viscosa

Form Plants

Plants that exhibit an enormous range of shape and form, which result from enhanced growth in one region occurring at the expense of growth in another area.

Bird of Paradise Strelitzia Reginae Krantz Aloe Aloe Arborescens
Cape/Bitter/Red Aloe Aloe Ferox Tree Aloe Aloe Bainesii/Barbera
Dune Aloe Aloe Thraskii Wild Banana Strelitzia Nicolai

Wetland & Marginal

Water plants which grow in shallow water with their roots submerged and their leaves and flowers above the water surface in up to eighteen inches of water.

Arum Lily Zantedeschia Aethiopica Seven Weeks/Knysna Fern Rumohra Adiantiformis
Palmiet Prionium Serratum Umbrella Papyrus/Palm Cyperus alternifolius
Red/Blood Root Wachendorfia Thyrsiflora


A plant that grows upon or just beneath the surface of the ground, or upon any other surface, sending out rootlets from the stem, as ivy and couch grass.

Black-Eyed Susan Thunbergia Alata Starry Wild Jasmine Jasminum Multipartitum
Canary Creeper Senecio Tamoides Wild Grape Rhoicissus Tomentosa

Ground Cover & Restio

Dense low herbaceous plants and shrubs that grow over the surface of the ground, esp, in a forest, preventing soil erosion or, in a garden, stifling weeds

African/Cape Daisy Osteospermum Ivy Leaf Geranium Pelargonium Peltatum
Camphor-Scented Pelargonium Pelargonium Betulinum Kingfisher/Blue Daisy Felicia Bergeriana
Cape Weed/Dandelion Arctotheca Calendula Licorice Plant Helichrysum Petiolare
Cape/African Daisy Osteospermum Nemesia Nemesia
Carpet Gazania Dymondia Margaretae Pigs Ear Cotyledon Orbiculata
Carpet Geranium Geranium Incanum Pincushion Flower Scabiosa
Cat’s Tail Bulbine Frutescens Rotsvygie Delosperma
Creeping Foxglove Asystasia Gangetica Selago Selago
Fig-marigold Lampranthus Sour Fig Carpobrotus Edulis
Gazania Gazania Uniflora Spur Flower Plectranthus
Giant Thatching Reed Thamnochortus Spicigerus Thatching Reed Elegia Tectorum Cape
Golden Guinea Everlasting Helichrysum Argyrophyllum Wild Cineraria Cineraria Saxifraga
Hottentot Fig Carpobrotus Acinaciformis


A usually subterranean and often globular bud having fleshy leaves emergent at the top and a stem reduced to a flat disk, rooting from the underside, as in the onion and lily.

African Lily Agapanthus africanus Large Wild Iris Dietes Grandiflora
Anemone Vygie Jordaaniella Dubia Red Hot Poker Kniphofia Praecox
Cobra lily Chasmanthe aethiopica Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum
Falling Stars Crocosmia Aurea Watsonia Marginata Fragrant Bugle-Lily
Forest Lily Veltheimia Bracteata Wild Garlic Tulbaghia Violaceae
Ifafa/Fire Lily Cyrtanthus Mackenii Wild Iris Dietes Bicolor
Lachenalia Lachenalia spp.


A plant that is able to exist in arid or salty conditions by using water stored in its fleshy tissues

Aeonium Aeonium spp. Elephant Bush Portulacaria spp.
Cooper’s Aloe Aloe Cooperi Pencil/Firestick Plant Euphorbia Tirucalli
Coral Aloe Aloe Striata Soap Aloe Aloe Maculata
Crassula Crassula spp.

Turf (Grass/Lawn)

Turf is the top layer of a grassy area consisting of a kind of mat of grass and its roots.

Astroturf Fake grass on well drained sub-base, professionally installed. Bermuda/Couch/Kweek Cynodon Dactylon
Buffalo Grass Bouteloua Dactyloides
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